Covid Drawings

Inspired by Picasso's Guernica and Goya's Disasters Of War etchings—the Covid Drawings try to capture the feelings of both isolation and communal dismay. It was a time of uncertainty, frustration, and sadness. Everything changed, we all went home and watched the television as the world shutdown. The fear and aggression mounted with the Trump administration's foolishness and lies. Then George Floyd and the upside down bible Trump stupidity. Injecting bleach, more stupidity. Every day held a new accusation, a new outrage, a new lie.

These drawings reflect the rage at the situation, the rage we witnessed against each other, and the rage at the chaos during the perfect Covid-Trump storm. Did we learn anything?

WTF 10″x10″ Ink on paper
Star Spangled Fuck 10"x10" Ink on paper
Stomp 10"x10" Ink on paper
Friends For Lunch 10"x10" Ink on paper
The Republic At Play 10"x10" Ink on paper
Does Anyone Remember Breakfast 10"x10" Ink on paper
Eating Alone 10"x10" Ink on paper
SomePlace Now 10"x10" Ink on paper
Raft Of Exceptional Optomisim 10"x10" Ink on paper
Social Protest 10"x10" Ink on paper
Permanent State of Emergency 10"x10" Ink on paper
A Shared Problem 10"x10" Ink on paper
Universal Healthcare-ish 10"x10" Ink on paper
Photo Opp 10"x10" Ink on paper
It Keeps On Going 10"x10" Ink on paper